ABOUT Medicine Women Productions

Medicine Women Productions is a place where artists can come, gather, formulate and manifest our own distinct voice. It is a place to be free to be whatever we want to be. It is a collective of diverse artists who have tapped into their Source with the profound purpose to empower, inspire and heal one another through the use of theatrical and cinematic expression. Most of the work-be it thought provoking monologue, abstract dance, shadow-puppet poetry, animation, avant-gardé musical performance art, media and more - is written, directed and performed by the Ones who have chosen to embrace the true nature of our creative birth right.

Kim LaRue (Co-Founder/ Executive Director) and Keisha M. Booker (Co-Founder & Artistic Director) form the core of Medicine Women Productions. We invite and combine varying stages of artists' work, assess then assist in its development and bring it into its next level of creative expansion. One artist may come in as a new writer but have difficulty clarifying it on stage. MWP would assist them in bringing it to life. Another may already have their piece fully developed. MWP would simply provide the environment and support for its presentation. MWP workshops then showcases an intricate and unique array of all the artists' work - from the dancer, writer, actor, singer, visual artist, director, filmmaker, costume designer to make-up artist - and interweave all their individual artistry and create one big performance. A true creative potluck!. When a creative collective energy forces merges, magic happens. Medicine Women Productions becomes a collective force that supports, prepares and hones each of us to strive to reach our highest height of expression.

Medicine Women Productions, LLC