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ABOUT My 2011 Resolution

During the holiday season D'EE'P is offering a savings to fulfill a New Year Resolution for businesses that are seeking to expand their marketing via the use of video advertisement.

Video can be used in a variety of ways that can help sell, promote or educate the consumer. Those that will be taking advantage of our offer can make a deposit today. Your deposit will place you on our ad productions calendar. We are making this offer available to our world audience so we are scheduling our production services based on a first come first served bases.

We are offering this to a variety of business organizations and small business groups. If you would like information sent to your organization about the variety of way that video is used to increase sales or viewership email us at D'EE'P and inquire about our brochure or booking Mr. Raishon speaking to your organization and our Take Two program.

For those that create there ad via this offer, we are giving you an additional D'EE'P savings on Pre-Roll advertisement on DPVN our online video network. Those who complete an order under this program will receive additional information.

If you have any question about our services please feel free to call us at 347-989-DPVN and we will answer any questions you may have.