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30 Second Pictorial Ad Pitorial images** only with voice over only $270.00 $230.00
Pictorial images** with jingle Pictorial with voice over and jingle $410.00 $375.00
Company Representative Company representative speaks for company. $575.00 $489.00
Company Spokesperson Company hires a brand actor/spokesperson for the company. $675.00 $574.00
Scripted with 1 Actor Directed & scritped advertisement with one actor. $780.00 $663.00
Scripted with 2 Actor Directed & scritped advertisement with one actor. $835.00 $710.00
† Click the price to open page for deposit payment.
* Price does not include travel or location rental.
** Images can also be video. There is an extra cost to use video files and the cost will vary by project.
My Resolution DEPOSIT:$50.00
Type of Ad: