James Hall of Springwood Care Nursing & Rehabilitation Center of Forsyth has been confined to the bed for more than one year. Our goal is to raise $30,000 for James in order to purchase the chair that he so desperately needs.

Giving to those less fortunate means a lot to the receiver. Your contribution, no matter how small or great each person contributing may receive a special gift. The donation will help secure specialized wheelchairs for those who need them so badly. When you vsit to the site, click on the question mark (?) which will give you access to what you may need.

Donor: $30.00 or less give any amount less than $30.00
Silver: $30.00-$74.00 receives a DVD on Elder Care Planning and Advice
Gold: $74.00-$149.00 receives a DVD and CD. The CD provides advice on how one can recognize and prevent elder abuse.
Platinum: $150.00 or more receives a DVD, CD & a copy of the book "How Not To Run a Business: 25 critical Points to Growing a Business In a Recession"

About Felton Wooten Foundation
The Felton Wooten Foundation represents the transformation of healthcare to life enrichment from all areas. (More about the foundation)

Making a donation to Wooten & Associates Foundation will help generate funds for the 2 wheelchairs (approximately $50,000 to $60,000) needed for future needs of patients and others that have been identified.

Click Here: Help James Hall To DPVN