Photos are provided by Leila and were taken on her previous trips to Haiti.

DPVN is supporting Leila�s hard work in raising funds to supply food and water for the victims of Haiti. The updates from her trip still move me to emotions that cannot be voiced, but causes me to take action. DPVN is dedicated to helping Leila bring relieve to the island of Haiti.

There are brothers and sisters in Haiti that need your assistance and prayers. Any amount will help bring food, water and beds to the women, men and children that are still sleeping on bare and rubble ground. The essentials of life are critical. Every time the sun sets on Haiti, there is a precious life that is lost.

Leila is one of the personal foot shoulders that God is sending to Haiti to help with the relief of those who are starving and impaired from the divesting earthquake on January 12 of this year. The next trip will be her last trip for the year and we need to make sure that her efforts last. As we are now approaching the holidays, still the picture of hope rings true and louder than before.

Leila has been traveling as a volunteer in Haiti delivering food, water and supplies to hospitals and camps while assisting medical care with doctors on their rounds. Leila initially partnered with organizations to help the victims but found them to be irresponsible with their funding. So she continues the work as an individual working with doctors that are there. While delivering care at the hospitals and clinics Leila buys food and water for the Haitian survivors. The photos here and in the video allow you to see and feel the current conditions that exist in Haiti.

Leila validates her financial donations via photos and videos of her work. She will make her next trip back to Haiti before the holidays to continue her personal crusade to help those in need. We ask that you help her in bringing more food, water and supplies for those still living in ill-fated conditions in Haiti.

It is the individual that is creating change. May that individual be you?