Grocery Pick Up Service

Did we hear you say GROCERY pickup & contact free delivery? Oh yes we did!!!

Valley Concierge Service offers a Grocery Pick Up Service for those in need of saving time. We offer this service to everyone. There are times as a caregiver or as a busy mom, that you may not have time to do all the daily chores. We understand and we would love to be your direct connect. You can provide us with a list and we could do the personal shopping for you or we can pick up to deliver on those weeks that are inconvenient for you or on those days that you just don't want to go out or because of inclement weather. Hudson Valley Concierge Service has you covered with all of your grocery needs! We strive to be affordable with our competitive rates that bring you the best services possible, and of you, your time back!

Learn more about their services, here.

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